
Welcome to the blog for Bethlehem Lutheran's 2nd grade!

A Visit from Baby Josh (and Mrs. Picker)!

Hi again!  This is Mrs. Picker writing a new post on the blog!  After 8 weeks of enjoying my time getting to know my new son, I got to come back and visit my class today!  I have missed these kids over the last two months, but I know they were in excellent hands.  Ms. Rhodes has kept me in the loop about what was going on in the classroom, and she has shared some wonderful insight on each individual student.  I know she has loved these kids and has worked hard to make sure they each get what they need to succeed.  We were all truly blessed by her these last two months.

I am looking forward to starting back on Monday!  There will be a time of adjustment as both I and the students work on getting back into the rhythm that we were just falling into before my maternity leave.  Ms. Rhodes did an excellent job keeping the kids on track and following my procedures, so I am confident the transition will be as swift and smooth as possible.

I am excited to have had a chance to visit with the kids today.  Josh even woke up to  visit with them, and I'm sure he loved the ooh's and aah's he got from all of the kids!  I look forward to getting to know each of your kids more and more as we embark on the rest of the school year together.  Have a blessed weekend and I will see you on Monday!

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About Mrs. Picker

Mrs. Rebekah Picker grew up just across the river in Hermiston, Oregon. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Concordia University in Portland, Oregon with a degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education with a minor in Professional Church Work. In May of 2014, Rebekah received her Master of Education degree from Heritage University. This is her seventh year at Bethlehem. Rebekah is married to David, who works as a sales representative in the Tri-Cities area. She also has a daughter and a son on the way (due in September). Fun fact: Rebekah is a mirror-image twin, meaning that she is right-handed and her identical twin is left-handed.